Learn from Experience

  • worship speaker
  • Worship team
  • Worship leader coaching

Lifemusic Workshops and Seminars

With over 30 years of experience in worship support, we employ various kinds of specialists to inspire, educate and teach principals and techniques.
Worship Coaching

Musician Bootcamps and Workshops

We employ customized workshops for Guitars, Bass, Piano, Drums, Vocals and more
Worship Coaching

Group/Team Coaching

Mentoring and coaching groups and teams to learn the basics of being called to worship as a team and build together.
Worship Coaching

Worship Leader Coaching

Personal 1 on 1 coaching to develop skills and grow quickly in the skills to lead others in worship.
Worship Coaching

Songwriting "Forges" and Seminars

Learn the basics of songwriting and develop skills and practices that lead to crafting better songs.

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